Gait Analysis in
Gait Analysis in
What is Gait Analysis?
The process of gait analysis involves assessing the way in which a person walks. In order to do this thoroughly and determine an accurate diagnosis, a number of different tools are used; video analysis, pressure plate analysis, as well as through observation and interpretation by our highly skilled team of specialists.
Pressure Plate Analysis involves the use of innovative technology which is employed for the purposes of identifying problems concerning abnormal foot pressures and movements that happen when a person is walking, and these issues would be impossible to detect with the naked eye only. In tandem with this technology, we also carry out both a physical and a treadmill examination so that we are able to diagnose conditions of the lower limbs.
Find The Best Option For You
Why is Gait Analysis important?
If you have even a small problem which has started to develop in your feet, then this will cause subtle changes in the way in which you walk, which in turn will cause a chain reaction of adjustments in your posture and also your walking mechanism. This can subsequently lead to more serious problems developing, due to the fact that these adjustments you make can put stress on joints which are higher up your body.
To deal with these issues, we use a combination of orthotics, (supportive shoe inserts), and also specific exercises which are targeted to minimise these abnormal movements and the stresses associated with them. Our experts are able to make the right decision regarding your treatment through the bio-mechanical assessment which we carry out.
Our clients are wide-ranging and are all unique, with many different needs, from athletes to children, who need an orthotic device to fit their existing shoes, whilst being comfortable to wear and reasonably priced. We also see a large number of diabetic patients who need to reduce pressure sores they have on their feet and to prevent the deterioration of foot related issues. For all the different clients we see, there are many different options available, which ensures that we always meet their expectations.
If you have any of the following issues,
you could benefit from Gait Analysis:
- Pain when walking or running
- High risk pressure areas underneath your foot
- You are a diabetic
- You are an athlete
- Your child has foot problems
- Foot, ankle, knee or hip pain
- Problems with your balance, or bad posture
- Flat feet, high arches or plantar fasciitis
- Sore feet while standing for long periods
How can we help?
How We Help:
We are able to accurately diagnose foot, knee and ankle pain
We provide evidence-based programmes of treatment that are tailored to you as an individual
For elite athletes or people taking up a new sport, we are able to identify any potential injury risk
With our tailored rehabilitation programmes we are able to help speed up recovery from injury and also prevent injury from occurring in the first place