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Shockwave Therapy in

Moorgate London


Shockwave Therapy in

Moorgate London


Tendon Pain Or Injury? Heal with Shockwave Therapy

Find The Best Option For You


    Reduce Inflammation, Pain And Restore Movement

    Shockwave Therapy Can Reduce Inflammation and Pain, and Restore Movement In our Perfect Balance clinic in Fulham, we offer shockwave treatment to speed up the healing of injured tendons, especially in cases where other forms of treatment have been unsuccessful.

    We can get you in on the same day

    What Are The Most Common Conditions
    We Treat With Shockwaves?

    Here Are Some of the Most Common Conditions We Regularly Treat With Shockwaves

    If you have one of these very common, debilitating conditions, you can rediscover pain-free movement:

    Experience reduced pain of tennis elbow, which is caused by inflammation of a tendon on the lateral elbow.

    Have pain-free movement restored in stubborn painful conditions of the shoulders.

    Enjoy pain relief from golfer’s elbow, which is the result of an inflamed tendon which attaches on the medial elbow.

    Experience pain relief from hip bursitis (bursitis trochanterica).

    Have your knee pain relieved in patella tip syndrome, which is the result of inflammation of the point of attachment of the patellar knee ligament.

    You can recover from Shin Splints, common in runners as it is caused by excessive strain which in turn causes inflammation of the tibial edge.

    Experience faster healing of Achilles Tendonitis, which is caused by an irritation of the Achilles tendon.

    Be free of the chronic inflammation and heel pain of plantar fasciitis.

    What To Expect From
    Shockwave Therapy Treatment

    At the initial session, your therapist will discuss your symptoms with you and will pin-point the source of pain. This area will then be marked for treatment with shockwaves. Next, a gel is applied to this area in order to optimise the contact between your skin and the application device. The hand piece then delivers pulsations to the painful part of your body for just a few minutes, but this depends on the condition being treated. These energy waves are then able to stimulate your body’s own natural healing response. 

    You will not feel any pain whatsoever while receiving the treatment. Sometimes, for a day or two afterwards, there is mild discomfort that can be felt in the muscle. This happens due to the way in which the treatment works, by causing micro-injury to the muscle, and this is what stimulates it to repair itself naturally to full health. Training with weights works in the same way. The majority of patients however, report few or no problems at all following their treatment.

    Is Shockwave Therapy Right For Me?

    Our Perfect Balance practitioners are highly ethical and will never perform Shockwave Therapy on our patients if there are any contraindications. They will always make sure that it is the right treatment for you before any therapy commences. Shockwave Therapy is capable of producing amazing results, but you must be the right candidate for it.

    Who Will Perform The Treatment?

    Your treatment will be carried out by one of our professional, trained therapists, who will carry out a full medical history to discover the correct clinical indication for the use of shockwave therapy on the injured part of your body.

    How Many Treatments Do I Need?

    It is normal to only require up to three sessions; the exact number varies according to the condition being treated. More than three sessions in a specific time period are never indicated, and may in fact impair the healing process. For this reason, our standard package offer includes three sessions.

    Contraindications to Having Shockwave

    Pregnancy, presence of cardiac pacemaker, over or near growth plates in children, malignancy near the area being treated, open wounds skin rashes ,infection or swelling to the area, over ischemic tissues in individuals with vascular disease, coagulation disorder or taking any anticoagulant/antiplatelet medications. Shockwave cannot be performed over the lung field or within three months of having a Cortico-Steroid injection.

    We are available for you.

    To learn more about our Shockwave Therapy
    and how we can help you


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    for you.

    To learn more about our Shockwave Therapy and how we can help you

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