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7 personal training mistakes you’re making


Are you unsatisfied with your personal trainer or the results you are receiving? Some people go through months or even years of personal training either with deteriorating results or not achieving the aftereffect they wanted. This article will tell you the 7 biggest mistakes that you are making with your personal trainer.

You need to be mobile in order to stay safe and strong?

Recently our clinics are seeing an increased number of people that are either unsatisfied with their personal trainer or with the results they are getting from personal training. They usually go through months or even years of personal training either initially seeing some results and then regressing or stalling in their progress or not actually getting what they want from personal training.

These are the seven biggest mistakes that you’re making or you’re potentially making with your personal training:

  1. Not setting short, medium and long term goals. There’s a very important reason for agreeing on your short, medium, and long term goals with your trainer. It’s incredibly important that you keep the reviews up to date to make sure you’re continuously on track to achieve your goals and agree on them with your trainer beforehand.
  2. You’re being given a generic training plan, not one that is personalised for you. What we mean by that, it should work with your posture, it should work with your physical ability and it should also work within the time that you have to commit to exercise every week. It’s very important that you have enough trust in your trainer to follow the plan given.
  3. Lack of consistency and stopping training after you see the first results. It’s very important that the trainer spots it and manages it. When you start to see the first results you need to remember you have achieved them through the change of habits and your training, meaning that if you stop it at that time, you’re most likely going to go back to where you started. You need to make sure that you keep your goals in mind and you continue with your training until you achieve them
  4. Not measuring your progress. Whether you’re working on your time, on your personal best, or on your appearance, it’s extremely important that you know your starting point, middle point, and end goal. It’s very important that throughout that journey you have photographic or number based evidence on how you’re doing and whether you’re going in the right direction.
  5. Not being honest about your nutrition and your medical history. Your nutrition is as important, if not sometimes more important than what is happening during that one hour you are with your trainer. It doesn’t matter how many sessions you have in your week, it’s still one hour out of 23 you have in your day. What you consume throughout the day matters. The medical history is incredibly important. We very often put your body through quite an intense routine that puts it outside its comfort zone, so if you do not share the full details of your medical history, especially any medication that you may be taking at the time that you’re training, you’re putting your health and our responsibility at risk.
  6. Not looking after your flexibility. It’s incredibly important, especially if you are seeking muscle growth, muscle mass growth, or strength increase to not overlook stretching at the beginning and end of your routine. You need to be mobile in order to stay safe and strong.
  7. Not reporting pain or discomfort during a workout. A trainer only gets the visual feedback of what they see; how your body performs, how your body moves, and what position it gets into. If you experience any sharp pains, now that’s the important part, not just the muscular discomfort, no shakiness, tiredness or feeling of the pull, you need to be straightforward and honest your trainer because there is a good chance that you’re either in the wrong position or this exercise may not be suitable for you. In order to prevent an injury, they can adapt things for you.

If you feel like any of these problems might be correlating with what you’re experiencing right now, please feel free to reach out to us. We’ll be more than happy to speak to you, to consult you, to assess what you’re doing, and give our expert opinion on how to move on from that. Remember, you should always trust your trainer, however, you should always be able to ask a question and then get a genuine, satisfying answer from them in order to build a relationship with them.

Take advantage of our exercise advice sessions. These sessions are designed to give you very quick and effective results; giving you the support you need with your exercise goals.

During these sessions, you will be provided with a thorough assessment of your exercise routine and goals to find out your best steps to achieve these goals

This article was written by our team of specialist therapists at Perfect Balance Clinic. If you would like more specific advice about how our team can help you with this condition or symptoms you may be having, please complete the contact form below and one of the team will get back to you shortly.

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